Tributes and Memorials

The Heart of New England Council Memorial & Tribute Fund is a way to make a lasting tax-deductible contribution to the Scouting program in honor of someone. Whether your tribute is a memorial, a token of recognition on a happy occasion, or an expression of honor and esteem, it can have no finer form than a gift to the Memorial & Tribute Fund.
Contributions may be made for any amount, as a living memorial in honor of someone, or lasting tribute to a departed relative or friend. It can also be used to pay tribute to accomplishments in the lives of current Scouts and Scouters. Donations of any amount may be made to recognize a graduation, anniversary, birthday, birth, retirement or any other special occasion.
Upon receipt of a contribution, a notice will be sent to the family or individual in whose memory or honor the gift is made, and an acknowledgement will be sent to the donor. The amount of the gift is not listed. Your generous gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS.
Click the button below to make a secure online gift to our Memorial & Tribute Fund. Be sure to include your information as the donor and the information of the person you are honoring or giving in memory of.
Tribute gifts (checks payable to Heart of New England Council) can also be sent directly to:
Heart of New England Council, Scouting America
ATTN: Development
394 Pleasantdale Road
Rutland, MA 01543
For more information, call 508-752-3769 ext. 203 or email