Cub Scout Adventure Camp Programs 2025

Financial Aid (Campership)

Families requiring assistance to pay for summer camp may apply for limited financial aid. Applications due April 1st.

Cub Scout Day Camp

Treasure Valley

At Day Camp, Scouts are split into tribes, Scouts of similar age and rank who are led by a dedicated Staff Guide who serves as a role model and mentor throughout their camp experience as well as provides care for each scout’s individual needs and abilities.

Campers from the same packs are kept together by rank. Contact should be made with camp administration one week prior to camper arrival if campers should be kept together regardless of rank. Please note that this may alter a camper’s experience as there are certain activities not suited for certain ages, and requirements are completed by rank.

The camp program is based on a block schedule that rotates each Tribe to program areas including swimming, boating, archery, BB, handicraft, Scoutcraft, sports, nature, and the trading post. Each Tribe will visit each area multiple times throughout the week, but not necessarily every day. Camp begins at 8:20AM and concludes with closing flags at 3:30PM. Camper drop-off begins at 8:00AM (These time may vary slightly in soon to be released Parent/Leader Guide)

Interested in volunteering? We are looking for Den guides and program volunteers. Please complete the form below: CSAC Volunteer Form

Webelos Residents Camp

Camp Wanocksett and Treasure Valley

Webelos residents camp is an overnight program at Adventure Camp for Cubs going into their Webelos and Arrow of Light years of Cub Scouts, (4th and 5th grade in the fall). 

Campers are placed into Patrols of boys and girls. Campers from the same pack are kept together and placed together in tenting assignments. Contact should be made with camp administration one week prior to camper arrival if special arrangements are requested. 

Campers sleep in canvas cabin-tents like the Scouts, BSA Program, with supplied canvas cots. No camper will sleep by themselves. Campers sleep two-per tent, but triples can be accommodated. Lanterns, bedding, linen, and poles for bug-nets are not provided.