Spring Fundraiser - First Aid Kit Sale

Raise Money for Scouting Adventures by Selling First Aid Kits
Help Everyone to….Be Prepared!

This year’s Spring Unit Fundraiser is designed to assist Scouts and units to earn their way towards their Scouting adventures. Whether it’s summer camp, day camp, BSA high adventure base, or raising money for the unit’s program, this fundraiser can help accomplish those goals.

Unit leaders told us they needed a different fundraising option, one that was available sooner than the fall popcorn sale, and that offered product choices with enhanced perceived value for customers.

We’re partnering with Right Response to offer a selection of custom first aid kits, priced between $15.00 and $120.00. There is a kit for everyone, and the branded Scout Kit conforms to “Personal first-aid kit requirements” listed in the BSA handbook! These make great Mother’s and Father’s Day gifts, and are helpful to have in sports bags, backpacks, cars, homes, etc. They last much longer than a bag of popcorn, and are in line with Scouting principles of being prepared.

Units participating in the fundraiser earn 40% commission from all in-person sales, while 10% benefits the overall programs of the Heart of New England Council. That’s a 50% return to Scouting!

The Spring Product sale will take place from May 11th to June 7th, allowing units four weeks to earn money for their Scouting programs. Units can conclude their sale sooner if they prefer.

Families and units should reinforce that Scouts are selling our program, not first aid kits. Every kit sold gets a young person one step closer to their Scouting adventures.

Register your unit NOW to participate! 


ASAPRegister Your Unit (link)
Tuesday May 11Spring Fundraiser Begins
Week of May 10Scout Order Forms available
Monday June 7Sale Ends – Deadline for units to submit their Take Order
Friday June 11Deadline to submit payments to council
Week of June 21Pick Up / Distribution of first aid kits to units

For more information, contact development@heartofnewenglandbsa.org or call 508-752-3769 ext. 203


Our legal name is: Heart of New England Council, BSA
Our Tax ID is: 042-349-692.