Webelos Resident Camp at Camp Wanocksett

Grades 4-5
$ 415 (Per Session)
  • Session 1 August 10-13
  • Session 2 August 13-16
  • Want to stay the full week? Just add $150 to Session 1 fee!

Financial Aid (Campership)

Families requiring assistance to pay for summer camp may apply for limited financial aid. Applications due April 1st.

Arrival / Departure

Session 1: Check-in begins at 2:00 PM on Sunday. Scouts and parents will be greeted in the camp’s main parking and guided through the check-in process by the camp staff. The program will conclude on Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 PM.

Session 2: Check-in begins at 2:00 PM on Wednesday.  The program will conclude on Saturday morning at 10:00 AM following the closing ceremony.

Packing For Camp

complete packing list is available here. Each camper will be provided with a tent, on a wooden platform,  bunk and mattress. A footlocker or duffle bag works well for packing clothes and personal items.


Our Webelos resident camp aims to give Scouts a taste of what they have to look forward to at Scout summer camp. Days will be packed with activities including: swimming and boating, archery, crafts, rock climbing, sports, science and nature, and outdoor skills.

Living Accommodations:

Scouts will stay in one of Camp Wanocksett’s picturesque tent sites. Tents are 9’x9′ canvas wall tents on wooden platforms with bunks and mattresses. Meals are prepared by our food service and served in the camp dining hall.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Den Leaders are a vital part of the Camp staff. Volunteering gives parents an opportunity to share in the camp experience with their scout. Volunteering also reduces the camp fee for for each week you volunteer. Den Leaders work with the staff and a den of 10-12 Scouts for the session. Volunteer Den Leaders will be required to attend a mandatory training session in the Spring. Volunteer opportunities are limited. Please sign up early.

Medical Forms

All campers, volunteers and staff must have a completed camp medical form on file. Scouts will not be allowed to participate in many camp activities without a completed medical form, signed by a licensed health care practitioner. Completed forms should be returned to the council service center no later than June 15, 2025. Returning your Scout's form early enables the camp health officer to review the form and resolve any missing information before they arrive at camp.

Youth Protection Reminder

All persons over the age of 18 staying in camp must be registered members of the BSA and complete Youth Protection Training - no exceptions.


All medication must be turned in to the camp health officer upon arrival at camp. It must be in its original packaging and must be accompanied by physician’s orders. Authorization to administer medication must be given by signing the appropriate section of the camp medical form. Medications may only be administered by the camp health officer. Exceptions may be made for asthma inhalers and similar medications at the discretion of the camp health officer in consultation with parents and physician if necessary.

Help us ensure that camp is a positive experience for your Scout. Please avoid changing medication or dosage immediately before or during your week at camp.

Safety at camp

All camp activities are conducted in accordance with the Boy Scouts of America’s Youth Protection policies. All staff and volunteers are subject to mandatory background checks. Camp activities are conducted in accordance with the policies and practices of the Boy Scouts of America.

The camp employs a full-time EMT who is on site at all times and is accessible quickly by local emergency services. Staff are trained in basic first-aid and CPR.

The buddy-system is used at all times to keep scouts safe. 

This camp must comply with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and be licensed by the local board of health. Pursuant to MA regulations, you may request copies of background checks, health care and discipline policies, as well as procedures for filing grievances by contacting our camp director.


The following policy applies to all summer camp programs at Heart of New England camps:

Campsite deposits are non-refundable, but may be either applied to the balance of camp fees due, or rolled over to the following year. 

  1. Requests for refunds must be submitted in writing to the Council Service Center and the Camp Director at least two weeks prior to the start of the camp week for which you have registered.
  2. Requests must include the Scout’s name, unit, the camp session, and an explanation for his absence.
  3. Refunds will not be granted after this date except under extenuating circumstances (serious illness, family death, summer school, custody issues, and reasons that don’t involve choice).
  4. A Scout who becomes ill or injured during camp may receive a prorated refund as determined by the Camp Director.
  5. Refunds will not be granted for scheduling conflicts, no-shows, weather, or behavioral issues.
  6. Refunds will not be granted to Scouts who leave camp by their own choice, or are asked to leave camp because of behavioral issues.
  7. Summer camp registrations may be transferred to an alternate session, if space permits, without penalty. Fees may be transferred from one Scout to another within the same unit.
  8. Heart of New England Council reserves the right to withhold an administration fee of $50 for refund given. 
  9. Refunds will be made to the unit (or if attending provisional to the individual) who made the original payment.