Quinapoxet District Committee

District chair- Russell Cates

District Commissioner- Jason Langlais

District Director- Jeff Mayes

Advancement Chair- Karen MacQuilken

Training Chair- Ted Sobocienski

Activities Chair- Brian Donelan

The District Key 3

District Chair – The district chair is the top volunteer Scouting leader of the district in a defined geographical area, whose job is to motivate a talented team of people. District chairs preside at district committee meetings and represent the district on the council executive board. They are responsible for the membership, program, and fund development functions of the district.

The District Commissioner – A district commissioner is the quality control officer who recruits, trains, and leads a staff of commissioners who coach adult leaders of every unit to succeed. The district commissioner is responsible for the unit service function of the district. They are approved and appointed by the council executive board, with the concurrence of the Scout executive, on the recommendation of the district nominating committee.

District Executive – The district executive is your best Scouting friend and counselor— the full-time professional in the district. He or she is employed by the council and works under the direction of the council Scout executive. The district executive welcomes all suggestions and knows that you will need close cooperation to get the job done through volunteers.

Membership Committee

The district membership committee gathers information on prospective chartered organizations, helps organize new units, reorganizes dropped units and units not meeting, and recruits new members in a systematic way. It establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships with major community organizations and strategic alliances, both those with and without Scouting units. These include religious, educational, civic, fraternal, and veteran organizations and associations; labor unions; business and industry; professional societies; and other organizations with objectives compatible with the Boy Scouts of America.

Activities/Outdoor Program Commmittee

The Soaring Eagle activities and outdoor program committee’s job is to provide mountaintop experiences that dramatically capture the attention of the whole Scouting community: a Scout color guard at a city hall ceremony, or presentation of the Award of Merit to leaders at a district recognition dinner. Your efforts help make these great events happen in the lives of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers, and leaders. This committee also provides outdoor programs that most units are unable to provide on their own, and outdoor programs are often the main reason youth join a Scout unit. From Cub Scout day camp to high-adventure programs, this committee helps make exciting outdoor programs available for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturers.

Advancement Committee

The district advancement committee implements procedures that help achieve BSA advancement procedures. The committee helps Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, Varsity teams, and Venturing crews succeed. Units help youth members advance in rank. If they advance, they will have a good experience and will grow in their Scouting adventure..

Training Committee

The district training committee’s job is to get adult leaders trained. One of the keys to the success of the Scouting program is trained volunteer leadership. Second only to the selection of the right person for each responsibility is his or her training in the purposes of Scouting, the methods through which these purposes are achieved, and the techniques of their individual job. 

As chair of the district training committee, a committee member, or as a trainer, you help volunteers find the answers to the two basic questions, “What is my role?” and “How do I do it?” The Boy Scouts of America’s leadership training program is designed to meet the needs of each volunteer position. It is varied and flexible enough to reach all leaders through group training experiences, personal coaching, self-study, or on-the-job training. And you will help make this program a dynamic success in your district.

Unit Commissioners

Unit commissioners are the core volunteers of unit service and help units succeed with a good program that attracts and retains youth members. They are usually asked to support three units in one chartered organization with the full Scouting family, or three separate units. The ideal unit commissioner-to-unit ratio is 1-to-3.

Perhaps no other members of the unit service team have a more important or demanding responsibility. As friends, coaches, and counselors of unit leaders, unit commissioners operate quietly, generally in the background. They are effective communicators who provide the resources of the district and council to the units they serve. They aid the chartered organizations that operate the units through charters from the Boy Scouts of America by working with the unit Key 3: the chartered organization representative, unit leader, and committee chair.