Crew Allotment 2026 Information

Crew Allotment – 2025

Heart of New England Council has received an allotment of 5 crews in 2025. This will permit a total of 60 Scouts and Scouters from Heart of New England Council to partake in one of Scouting’s most exciting high adventure opportunities.  


The contingent will depart the Boston area on Saturday, July 5, 2025*, arrive at Philmont on Tuesday, July 8 and return home on Sunday, July 20, 2025.  

(*Please note that depending on airline schedules, availability and fares, the contingent may depart on Sunday July 6, 2025.)


The estimated cost is $3,500.00 per individual.  This includes all round-trip transportation, Philmont’s fees and touring activities.

Eligibility and crew size:

  • Scouts and Scouters who are not attending Philmont in 2024 will be given preference should there be too many Crews interested in the 2025 Heart of New England Council contingent.
  • Participants must be 14 years of age as of July 8, 2025 OR have completed 8th Grade and be at least 13 years of age prior to participating.
  • All youth and adult participants must be a registered with the Boy Scouts of America.
  • All of the youth and adults must meet strict height and weight requirements as outlined on the BSA medical form –  Philmont will not approve waivers. Click HERE to view requirements. 
  • Including adult advisors, the maximum Crew size is 12 and the minimum Crew size is 8. Each Crew is required to have a majority of youth participants.  The maximum number of adults (21 and over) is 4 per crew. 
  • Each crew must have a minimum of 3 adult advisers. 
  • There must be a registered female adult leader over 21 in every Crew with female youth. 
  • Philmont requires that 2 members of each crew be certified in Wilderness First Aid and 2 members be certified in CPR.  Heart of New England Council strongly encourages that all of their adult advisors are certified in both Wilderness First Aid and CPR.
  • If more crews apply to attend than Heart of New England Council has slots for, a lottery will be held by April 1, 2024 to determine the crews that will participate. The reservation fee will be refunded to any Crew not selected.

Payment Schedule

The per person payment schedule is as follows:  

  • March 1, 2024 – $600.00 (initial deposit)
  • June 1, 2024 – $725.00
  • September 1, 2024 – $725.00
  • December 1, 2024 – $725.00
  • March 1, 2025 – $725.00.  

Each Crew’s installment payment should be in the form of one check from each unit to address the entire installment fee for all attendees in the unit. 

Reservation Process

To request a Crew slot for 2025, a reservation fee of $600.00 per individual in the crew must be received by at the Council Service Center no later than March 1, 2024

Please submit only one check per crew.  The check must be payable to “Heart of New England Council, BSA” and only one check per unit will be accepted. 

The reservation fee must be accompanied by a letter containing the unit name and number, the full contact information (including email, mailing address and cell phone numbers) of the adult advisors, and a commitment to the number of Scouts and the number of adult Scouters that will comprise the crew.

By making the reservation payment, each unit is committing to making every payment in full, on time as scheduled and for the full number of Crew members the Unit initially commits to. Late payments or underpayments may result in the cancelation of that Crew’s reservation, and loss of funds already committed to by Council.

Although we try our very best to come in on budget, as this undertaking is over 18 months in the future, we are at the mercy of price increases from vendors such as eating establishments, excursion companies, airlines, lodging and bus transportation providers. The $3,500 fee is our best estimate at this point in time. There is no guarantee that this will fully cover the costs we will need to expend on this Contingent, in which case Council reserves the right to charge each Unit its proportionate share of any deficit incurred.

All payments are non-refundable as Heart of New England Council enters in to binding commitments on your behalf.  Should a Crew member withdraw for any reason after any payment is made, that Unit and Crew will remain responsible for the payment in full for that member.  Crew members can be substituted until about 120 days prior to the departure of the Contingent. 

Philmont has historically awarded scholarships that participants of the Contingent may apply for. The availability of scholarships, the amounts, and the timing of any scholarship announcements have not yet been disseminated. 

By providing prospective Crews and participants with ample advance notice, the Crews and participants can attempt to fundraise to help offset some of the expense. 

Questions may be addressed to: David Bosselait, Heart of New England Council High Adventure Committee (email: cell: 978-779-5274)